Commonground offers membership for people wanting to make a long-term commitment to the place and ideas we represent.
We hope to attract members who are passionate about social change; are committed to Commonground’s vision, aims and principles [LINK to ABOUT page]; have time to contribute; and want to see the organisation flourish.
Membership is intended to create a strong, collaborative community that will help keep our organisation alive and well, long into the future.
How can I become a Member?
The best way to begin a journey towards membership is to have a keen interest in social change and to attend a variety of our events, working bees and gatherings.
If you have skills, knowledge or training that could support Commonground, you can also volunteer your time for distinct projects, or join one of our working groups.
Becoming a member is a journey where we will need to get to know each other over time.
If you are interested in learning more contact us and we’ll work with you on the membership process.
Benefits of becoming a Member
Becoming a member of Commonground offers a lot of benefits:
You join a community of like-minded social change advocates and kindred spirits.
You can engage with work that reflects and develops your skills and interests.
You can access facilitation and groupwork training.
You can arrange visits or otherwise spend time at Commonground outside of our public events.
Learn more about Commonground
You can learn about our vision, aims and history here.