Thanks for all the applications! Our Second Round of grants has now closed.
Commonground Grants
Over the past 40 years Commonground has provided retreat and conference facilities to smaller organisations that have been working hard to have a positive impact on in the world.
For many organisations doing incredible work to bring about social change the opportunity to bring the team together or to run a small conference is simply not affordable.
In order to expand the number of organisations we help, we have created the Commonground Grants program, offering over $30,000 worth of accommodation and venue use to smaller NFPs so that they can increase the value of the work they do for the greater community.
Our 2024 grant recipients:
Friends of the The Earth Australia
Flemington Youth Advisory Committee
The Goodlife Farm
Victorian Forest Alliance
Cultivating Community
Run For It
Birth For Humankind
Friends of the Earth received 2 days fee reduction to hold their 2023 National Meeting at Commonground in September.